♬-.¸·´`·.¸. Overview of Kirtan ·.¸·´`·.¸.-♬
Kirtan (pronounced KEER-tahn) is a form of yogic chanting accompanied by instruments such as harmoniums, tablas, two-headed drums called mrdanga or pakhawaj, and hand cymbals known as karatalas. It is performed in a call-and-response style, where the leader says a verse of the mantra being chanted, and then the group repeats it.
This emerged as a form of devotional practice in the bhakti yoga traditions, and is often used to worship or call upon the guidance of the gods. We find mentions of kirtan in texts such as the Bhagavad-Gita, and the Avatara Katha. This practice is found in Vaisnava devotionalism, Sikhims, Sant traditions, and some schools of Buddhism.
Though kirtan began as a devotional practice, it is thought to have the same calming effects as a yoga class or meditation practice. Some have detailed having ecstatic experiences when practicing. Due to this, I suggest doing what you can to ensure that you will be in a calm, safe environment so you can focus on the chanting while you attend. As the Kripalu website states (and I couldn't say it better myself): "For those who find meditation difficult, kirtan, which has varying effects for different people, offers the possibility for the same stillness of mind, without the struggle or striving to concentrate. This practice is one way to focus the mind. By simply repeating mantras or words, you can release your mind from its daily chatter. For some, the practice has a powerful heart-opening effect as well."
♬-.¸·´`·.¸.Kirtan at the Ashram ·.¸·´`·.¸.-♬
In our practices at the Ashram, we will try to share with you chants from all different traditions of the East and West. We are beginning with the Hare Krishna mantra because it is quite possibly the most popular mantra found world-wide today. With each mantra I will share a bit of background on the meaning, intent, use, etc. so we have context to supplement our practice.
Please join us at the Mind Pavilion each Friday at 10amSLT to share this beautiful practice with us.
SLURL: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Allure/171/20/22
♬-.¸·´`·.¸.More info on kirtan ·.¸·´`·.¸.-♬
Wiki: "The famous story of Prahlada in the Avatara Katha mentions kirtana as one of nine forms of worship, called the nava vidha bhakti[7] along with shravanam (listening), smaranam (remembrance), pada sevanam (service), archanam (offering), vandanam, (obeisance), dasyam (servitude), sakhyam (friendship) and atmanivedanam (surrender). The so-called Naradiya Kirtana divides kirtana into five parts;[8] naman (prayers),purvaranga (spiritual lesson based on old epics), chanting, katha or akhyan (exegesis) and a final prayer for universal welfare. All in all this may last from half an hour to three hours."
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