"My whole teaching consists on two words, "meditation" and "love". Meditate so that you can feel immense silence, and love so that your life can become a song, a dance, a celebration. You will have to move between the two, and if you can move easily, if you can move without an effort, you have learnt the greatest thing in life." -Osho
Many people think of karma as fate, or determinism. But, really, karma is creative. It is unbounded. The common interpretation is when someone has something bad happen, we call it "bad karma." But this interpretation of karma is misunderstood. We typically see karma as an uncontrollable factor in our lives. But, the literal translation of karma is "action" - human action. It does not control us. In fact, we control it. When we utilize action (even non-action is a form of action), we are influencing karma. The term 'ashram', which comes from the sanskrit root 'srama', means "giving the meaning of making an effort towards liberation (moksha)." Liberation, in some schools of thought, is liberation from the cycle of karma and dukkha, or suffering.
At this ashram we ask you to invite into your life what you want to share with others as well as yourself; we are all connected. If any one of us suffers, all the rest of us suffer. Everything you create in your life, every intention, thought, and action, will shape the rest of your creations. In every moment there is rebirth, in every moment there is death. We are always changing. But we are in control of that change. We can be whatever it is we want to be. Here, we will help you to be creative with the way you live your life; to learn to be aware of every moment, every thought; to be the witness, but also be the creator.
The name of the ashram is Citta Bhavana, meaning 'cultivating heart/mind.' Bhavana on it's own means 'spiritual cultivation.' All the events here are organized to support this inner growth in some way or other, whether it's through meditation, yoga, discussions, dances, music, ritual etc. Our hosts and guests come from many traditions from around the world, and are not limited to one path or another. Instead, we believe that all paths are useful and that each person will find meaning in different perspectives. All things offered here invite you to examine your self and those around you rather than telling you how things should be.
We meet to raise our awareness, wisdom, and to cultivate community and a sense of belonging. From these things, love and inner peace arise, allowing us to approach the world with brighter eyes. When we host, we ask questions. We present ideas, and then ask the group what they think about it, how it makes them feel. Not whether it's right or wrong, but how it resonates for them.
We hope that you will feel at home here. You are invited to remove your shoes in any of the buildings, as they might do in any ashram around the world. This is a tradition held as it is a metaphor for a deeper change - a removal of your preconcieved notions, and a stepping away from the things that separate you from Truth. You are welcome to bring your friends, do yoga and meditate, or anything else that suits your interests. All bookshelves, when clicked, will hand you notecards which include snippets of text which we have found useful on our paths, and so we offer them to you for consideration. You and your friends are welcome here at all times, regardless if there is an event scheduled or not. If you would like to be notified of events please join our group 'Creativity; Karma', or, if you don't have any group slots left you can join our subscribo by the main entrance or landing point.
Thank you for your time and continued interest.
Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu...May all beings everywhere be happy and free, and may the thoughts, words, and actions of my own life contribute in some way to that happiness and to that freedom for all.
❤ Chrae
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